Looking at What's inside


I like to write. I read a lot, and I listen a lot, and that gives me lots to think about. Thinking gives me ideas that I feel compelled to (as we said in the Olden Days) put on paper. I'd undoubtedly write a lot even if nobody ever read what I'd written. The real reward, however, comes when somebody reads and - the Ultimate - responds to what I wrote. I hope I get many responses to what I put on these pages.

   I’ve divided my essays into a series of categories. Some could fit into more than one location; rather than choose “the best spot,” I’ve just included the same essay in different sections. Consider those repeats a bonus.

   Most of my history and genealogy information is still on the old CondorTales website, as are my pages on the California condor. Also, note that most of my books are now available as free, downloadable pdfs. Check the CondorTales website for details, as well. However, all pages from both websites are now available here, with links below.

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The various types of entries on this website fall into several general categories:


“Vic and Greg: A Wildlife Refuge Romance” is a novel-in-progress. I’ll post chapters as I complete them. Will it ever end? I don’t know; I’ll keep working on it.

“Vic and Greg,” Part II - The story continues.

“Vic and Greg - The Epilogue” tells what happened after 1966

“Finding Emma” - A two-year search for a girl with amnesia.

“Crossing the Chasm: - An allegory, a la “Pilgrim’s Progress,” with a twist at the end.

"Semi-Rough: A North Country Journal," about life at the end of the road in northern New Hampshire. The entire book is now available as a free pdf.


The Soul Mate - Things get complicated when you get past eighteen.

Best Friends - A story of Central California in 1950.

The Making of a Modern Woman - World War II in America.

The Blitz, and Beyond - A World War II love story.

A California Story - A young man’s trip to the Gold Rush.

Blueberrypielandia - Adventures of a teenage boy with a 200—year old queen.

Class of ’57 - Greg finally attends a class reunion.

The Sheriff’s Girl - A slice of life in a small Western town

 "Potpourri," my writing-for-fun pages, a hodgepodge of whatever captures my fancy at various moments. You'll find poems, essays, photos, and who knows what else.


“Mountain Moments,” with just-plain stories about being in the higher elevations of our continent.

“Crossing the Continent,” journals and essays about things seen and learned while motoring between Oregon and New Hampshire.

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Vic and Greg Discuss - A young couple discussing society and world events in 1965 Idaho.

Government: random essays on the news of the day, week, year, or century.

Religion: ditto

Society: same, again

"Is This Land My Land?" tries to make some sense out of the controversies surrounding government land ownership in the United States.

Public Participation in Government Processes: case studies of various issues brought by (or should have been brought by) the government to the public

Problems of SmallTowns in America: Small town living has appeal, but also lots of problems;some case studies and suggestions.

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California condor: history, observations and ideas about my favorite bird.

Climate Change: or "Lighthearted Looks at What Could be Leading to the End of the Human Race.” 

Wildlife and Conservation: stories, photos, investigations, opinions, etc.

Animal Conversations: If you want to know what your animal neighbors are talking about, this is the spot.

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Genealogy and History: Essays, family trees, historical events, discussion of genealogy techniques.

Maritime Canada Genealogy: Genealogy and history studies related specifically to Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.

On the Trail - Westward Travels:Trips across America to the Gold Rush, California, Oregon, and other points West. Wagon train lists, trail journals, pioneer obituaries, etc.



Books: A variety of books on wildlife, history, genealogy, fiction, etc., most of them available as free pdfs. Check out the page for details.

It Crossed My Mind: more random thoughts than they are fleshed-out discussions.

Click on any of the underlined words above, and you'll be directed to that section.


Good reading to you!

Sandy Wilbur

July 2024

© Sanford Wilbur 2024