In the days that followed, Seth spent long hours at the bridge, talking to those on the other side and encouraging them to come across. Many did, and every time it made him feel worthwhile and fulfilled. Many did not, and he never ceased to feel an aching sadness for them, even though he knew he had done his best.
He talked to those who would cross back out of the Kingdom, and he persuaded some to stay. But others went, and he couldn't stop them. They made him saddest of all because he knew they would never return, but would ever be in the control of the Prince of the world.
In between tours of duty at the bridge, he often took trips with new citizens. He introduced them to Maturity, Wisdom, and other good friends, and helped them learn to use their travel kits. Then he brought them back to the bridge so that they could take their turns helping new citizens.
He kept reading The King's Handbook (the original), and he kept attending learning stops. He even learned which of the Twins were right.
And this went on until one day a new light appeared in the eastern sky, and the whole Kingdom seemed to come alive with the sound of trumpets and with voices as sweet as those of angels. The current bridge keeper pulled the bridge back from the chasm. Then he, Seth, and all the others began the journey to the King's City.
They were there before nightfall.
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