Tuesday 2 July 2019
In 2019, there are an estimated 14,000 nuclear weapons in the world, immediately ready to deploy. Together, the United States and Russia have 92 percent of them. The rest are spread between France, the United Kingdom, China, India, Pakistan, and Israel. So far, nobody but the United States has chosen to use weapons of that type. The results were horrible, and everybody knows it. Even the stupidest, most arrogant leaders know that, if they started a nuclear war, it would soon be over for them – and maybe for the rest of the world. So, why is the United States so worried about North Korea or Iran having their own nuclear capabilities?
Against Iran, it appears that one of the biggest concerns (at least from the U. S. standpoint) is that Iran has threatened to destroy Israel. So far, Iran has no nuclear weapons, and Israel is thought to have about 60. Israel is noted for retaliating full-force for any real (or perceived) threat against them. And Israel needs protecting??
Worries about North Korea seem more generic; it’s just scary to think about a blustering, unpredictable leader who makes outrageous threats and likes parades of military force to be in charge of even one weapon of mass destruction. At the moment, however, there may be good cause to be more worried about a blustering, unpredictable leader who makes outrageous threats and likes parades of military force, and has control of at least half of all the possible nuclear disaster potential in the world.
Is there something wrong with this picture?
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